
There are a number of organisations to help those who are bereaved. Please also speak to your Memoria Funerals Planner for information and support on 0800 007 3580.

Tell Us Once

A Government service to help you advise on the passing of a loved one.

Have you heard of ‘Tell Us Once’? It’s a government service that lets you report a death to government organisations once rather than having to contact them all separately. You can utilise this service when speaking with the registrar to advise on the death. They will either go through the service with you or give you a unique reference number so that you can do it online or over the phone.

Details you need to have for using Tell Us Once service:

You also need:

Things to Consider

Additional Support

At Memoria we are committed to assisting our customers who may have some additional support needs.
We have created a bank of useful resources which you may find helpful:


Bereavement Advice Centre

There are many practical matters to attend to when someone dies. Bereavement Advice Centre supports and advises people on what they need to do after a death.

Cruse Bereavement Care

Cruse help people through one of the most painful times in life – with bereavement support, information and campaigning.

Mental Health

British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy

The British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy is the professional association for members of the counselling professions in the UK.


Whatever you’re going through, a Samaritan will face it with you. They are here for you 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Mental Health Foundation

The Mental Health Foundation take a public mental health approach to prevention, finding solutions for individuals, those at risk and for society, in order to improve everyone’s mental wellbeing; including community and peer programmes.

Debt Advice

Money Helper

MoneyHelper joins up money and pensions guidance to make it quicker and easier to find the right help. MoneyHelper brings together the support and services of three government-backed financial guidance providers: the Money Advice Service, the Pensions Advisory Service and Pension Wise.

Relationships & Economics

Surviving Economic Abuse

One in six women in the UK has experienced economic abuse by a current or former partner. Economic abuse rarely happens in isolation; it normally happens alongside other forms of domestic abuse.
Surviving Economic Abuse work in partnership with the frontline organisations that directly support victim-survivors. They support them to identify and respond to economic abuse. Although they don’t provide direct support to victim-survivors, they are an associate member of Women’s Aid and endorse its aims.


Relate are the largest provider of relationship support in England and Wales and they help millions of people every year to strengthen the relationships that mean the most to them.